API Reference
Detailed documentation of all the properties, types, and options available in the Emblor tag input component.
Enable or disable the autocomplete feature for the tag input.
Include Tags In Input
Allows users to display tags inside the input field for a more compact and inline appearance.
Custom tag render
Replace the standard tag appearance with your own custom-designed tags.
Max tags
Set the maximum number of tags that can be added.
Allow tags to be dragged and dropped to reorder them.
Tag Popover
Allows users to view all entered tags in a popover overlay, offering easier management of tags.
Add on paste
When true, allow adding tags on paste. This works for a list of tags separated by a delimiter.
Prevent tags from overflowing the tag input by specifying the maximum number of characters to display.
Clear all tags
Clear all tags from the tag input.
Allow duplicate tags
Allow duplicate tags to be added to the tag input.
Add tags on blur
Add tags when the input field loses focus.
Input field position
Changes the position of the input field in relation to the tags. _ This only works when inlineTags is set to false and the tags are rendered as a separate list above/below the input field. _
Tag direction
Changes the layout of the tag list either as a row or as a column. _ This only works when inlineTags is set to false and the tags are rendered as a separate list above/below the input field. _
API Reference
General Properties
Prop | Default | Type | Description | Required |
placeholder | "" | string | Placeholder text for the input when no tags are present. | No |
tags | [] | Tag[] | An array of tag objects that are displayed as pre-selected. | Yes |
setTags | Function | React.Dispatch | Function to update the state of the tags. | Yes |
maxTags | null | number | Sets a limit on the number of tags a user can add. | No |
minTags | null | number | Sets a minimum number of tags a user must add. | No |
readOnly | false | boolean | Prevents the user from modifying the tags. | No |
disabled | false | boolean | Disables the tag input. | No |
allowDuplicates | false | boolean | Allows the user to add duplicate tags. | No |
maxLength | null | number | Sets a maximum character limit for each tag. | No |
minLength | null | number | Sets a minimum character limit for each tag. | No |
styleClasses | Object | Custom classes to style the tag input and its subcomponents. See the Styling section of the docs for more information. | No | |
inlineTags | true | boolean | Toggles between rendering the tags inline (in the input field) or in a tag list above the input when the user enters a tag. | No |
delimiterList | [] | string[] | An array of characters that can be used as delimiters to separate tags. | No |
delimiter | "," | string | Character used to separate tags when pasting multiple tags. | No |
showCounter | false | boolean | Displays a counter showing the number of tags added. | No |
placeholderWhenFull | "" | string | Placeholder text displayed when the maximum number of tags is reached. | No |
sortTags | false | boolean | Sorts the tags alphabetically. | No |
activeTagIndex | null | number | null | Sets the index of the tag that is currently active. This is useful when using keyboard navigation. | Yes |
setActiveTagIndex | Function | number | null | Function to update the active tag index. This is useful when using keyboard navigation. | Yes |
truncate | false | boolean | Truncates tags that exceed the maximum character limit. | No |
direction | "row" | "row" | "column" | Changes the layout of the tag list either as a row or as a column. This only works when inlineTags is set to false and the tags are rendered as a separate list above/below the input field. | No |
addTagsOnBlur | false | boolean | Adds tags when the input field loses focus. | No |
draggable | false | boolean | Allows the user to drag and reorder tags. | No |
inputFieldPosition | "bottom" | "top" | "bottom" | Sets the position of the input field. This only works when inlineTags is set to false and the tags are rendered as a separate list above/below the input field. | No |
clearAll | false | boolean | Displays a "Clear All" button to remove all tags. | No |
usePopoverForTags | false | boolean | Displays tags in a popover when they exceed the available space. | No |
Autocomplete Properties
Prop | Default | Type | Description | Required |
enableAutocomplete | false | boolean | Enables the autocomplete feature. | No |
autocompleteOptions | [] | string[] | Defines the options available for autocomplete. | No |
restrictTagsToAutocompleteOptions | false | boolean | Restricts the user to selecting tags only from the autocomplete options. | No |
autocompleteFilter | null | Function | Filters the autocomplete options based on the user input. | No |
autocompleteFilter | null | Function | Filters the autocomplete options based on the user input. | No |
Input Properties
Prop | Default | Type | Description | Required |
inputProps | Object | InputHTMLAttributes | Additional props to pass to the input field. | No |
Prop | Default | Type | Description | Required |
onTagAdd | null | Function | Callback function that triggers when a new tag is added. | No |
onTagRemove | null | Function | Callback function that triggers when a tag is removed. | No |
onInputChange | null | Function | Callback function that triggers on every keystroke within the input field. | No |
onFocus | null | Function | Callback function that triggers when the input field is focused. | No |
onBlur | null | Function | Callback function that triggers when the input field loses focus. | No |
onTagClick | null | Function | Callback function that triggers when a tag is clicked. | No |
onClearAll | null | Function | Callback function that triggers when the "Clear All" button is clicked. | No |
Method | Default | Type | Description | Required |
validateTag | null | Function | Callback function that validates the tag before adding it. | No |
customTagRenderer | null | Function | Customizes the rendering of tags. | No |